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We’re Ben Young and Andrew Pouw, ophthalmology residents who felt that reviewing for clinic, OKAPs, or boards is better when you don’t have to do it alone. Each week we’ll flesh out a new ophthalmology topic with the why and the how.

Episode 47: Macular Telangectasias

Episode 47: Macular Telangectasias

Learn the many names, and curious course of macular telangectasias in this week's episode.

Image © 2020 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Image library link here. The following caption text is from the linked AAO library image page:

“a. Subtle parafoveal retinal pigment epithelium changes and right-angle venules are present early in disease. b. Corresponding late leakage of dye temporal to the fovea on fluorescein angiography (FA) without significant changes on optical coherence tomography (OCT; not shown). c. A fundus photo from a different patient shows hemorrhage and thickening temporal to the fovea with leakage on FA (not shown). d. OCT showing subretinal irregularities consistent with choroidal neovascularization (CNV). e. A later OCT from the same patient shows a cavitation space (arrow) developing over the treated CNV.”

Episode 48: Binocularity + Stereoacuity Testing

Episode 48: Binocularity + Stereoacuity Testing

Buddy Call - The 20 Point Exam with Dr. Paul Gaudio (Rebroadcast)

Buddy Call - The 20 Point Exam with Dr. Paul Gaudio (Rebroadcast)