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We’re Ben Young and Andrew Pouw, ophthalmology residents who felt that reviewing for clinic, OKAPs, or boards is better when you don’t have to do it alone. Each week we’ll flesh out a new ophthalmology topic with the why and the how.

Episode 48: Binocularity + Stereoacuity Testing

Episode 48: Binocularity + Stereoacuity Testing

Red glass, Worth dots, Bagolini lenses and more about how to test patients for stereoacuity and binocularity by frequent guest host Dr. Amanda Redfern. Navigate pediatrics and strabismus clinics with this episode!

Image © 2020 American Academy of Ophthalmology . Image library link here.

Image courtesy of Brice Crister, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Iowa

Episode 49: Hyphema

Episode 49: Hyphema

Episode 47: Macular Telangectasias

Episode 47: Macular Telangectasias